Biological Sciences

The Department of Biological Sciences offers the Bachelor of Science in Biology.  这个学位的设计是为了满足学生的各种职业目标的需求.  Many of our students intend to enter professional programs in medicine, physician’s assistant, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, 在完成可靠的网赌平台的学士学位后进行物理治疗或职业治疗.  Others plan to attend graduate school or pursue employment in one of the biology sub-disciplines such as cellular and molecular biology, microbiology, botany, zoology, physiology, or ecology.  另一部分学生对野生动物生物学的应用生物学领域感兴趣, fisheries, or forestry.  有关生物学毕业生广泛的职业选择的更多信息,请参阅 this article.


Beyond the Classroom

Biological Science Organization
Premed Advisory
Undergraduate Research
Student Learning Support
Student employment

Check out our newest concentration: Zoo Science!

In partnership with the Alexandria Zoo, 可靠的网赌平台提供了南方唯一的学生可以获得现实世界的项目之一, on-site zoo animal experience in an AZA-accredited zoo setting. The Zoo Sciences concentration provides the expertise necessary for a rewarding career with a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, or in captive animal care and management programs.  Click here for more information.


Degree Audit Zoo Science

Degree audit




Mission Statement

路易斯安那州立大学亚历山大分校的生物科学系是一个由教师和学者组成的学院,致力于通过高质量的教学赋予学生权力和成功, innovative teaching, 指导本科生原创研究(在实验室和现场进行,并与科学界交流). 小班教学促进了师生之间的互动,在这里,生物学是作为一系列事实和一种认识的方式来教授的. 学生将在文科教育的背景下了解概念和应用生物学原理,并掌握口头和书面交流的技能, analysis, and teamwork in preparation for graduate studies, professional school, and careers in the natural and life sciences. Faculty provide experiential education, promoting students to question, critically evaluate, 作为具有科学素养和负责任的公民,运用科学思维做出明智和合乎道德的决定. The department is deeply committed to social justice and inclusivity. No race, gender, class, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or nationality is alienated or marginalized. All faculty, staff, and students are treated with dignity and respect. 差异受到欢迎和推崇,独特的才能得到认可和培养.

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If you would like to know more about the Biological Sciences department, 请致电(318)473-6431或到科学大楼127见我们.